Metrics in KDE – Are they useful?

Since Plasma 5.18, nearly five years ago, Plasma has shipped with a "telemetry" system. It’s opt-in, allowing users to send a small amount of data back to us.

Was it useful or worth it? It's a question that comes up occasionally, and the answer is mixed. I believe it showed real potential, though the reality of our implementation was somewhat underwhelming and didn't really deliver. There are many lessons learned that are worth sharing with other projects that might face similar endeavours.

The good bits

Where we had data available for topics being discussed it worked. To give two concrete examples from memory:

  • A developer claimed, "No one is using a screen smaller than 1024x768," while bumping the minimum size of a window. This was proved wrong; the number of users at 800x600 or even 640x480 is surprisingly high. Still low as an overall percentage, but higher than you would ever intuitively think. Presumably, it's the default for a lot of virtual machines.

  • Four years ago, a developer claimed, "No one still uses only OpenGL2; we can change the code to do XYZ." A check of our user base showed it would have affected nearly 5% of our users, so the change was abandoned.

Interestingly, this last topic came up again very recently, as it held back colour management improvements, but in a narrower Wayland-only path and with a fallback. After checking metrics again, the usage was below 1%, so we went ahead with that merge request.

So, are metrics worth it just to stop developers and designers from making nonsense claims out of thin air? Absolutely! 90% of stats are just made up on the spot. Metrics are just as much about preventing changes as it is about sparking changes.

Indirect impact

The other important part is having a more general sense of the landscape. Currently, we have a lot of hard conversations about how quickly we push the move to Wayland. We have voices wanting to maintain support, and we have voices wanting to push quicker. These decisions shouldn't be made just by who can be the loudest. For every individual topic that came up in those discussions, I would always have in mind our current adoption value at the time.

Should we care about Nvidia? Knowing they make up about 25% of our user base makes the decision for us. I ran with an Nvidia card in one machine because of this, implementing Nvidia context loss handling and doing what we could during the Wayland transition
We don't test BSD while developing Plasma, but we also let it hold us back. Should we care about it more or less? My opinion matches exactly what the metrics say.

Some stats and graphs:

Another role of metrics is being a conversation starter—people will fawn over a graph. More topics on Reddit will be about our Wayland usage rather than the topic I'm trying to discuss. I'll focus on Wayland examples beacuse that's a topic close to me.

Wayland adoption over time

I keep tabs on what our metrics show here. We can see the slow increase from under 20% to around 45% over time, showing the progress as both we and the Wayland ecosystem evolved. At Plasma 6, we switched the defaults a small bump in the graph can be seen. but 45% still seemed rather disappointing.

Filtering on just Plasma 6 reveals the true story:

There's still 20% of users switching away, or using a distro with a different default, or having carried over presets, but it's more promising. Interestingly, we can see that the GPU vendor distribution differs between X11 and Wayland.

Problems and lessons learned

Ultimately, despite the positive parts it would be hard to call our telemetry a staggering success. For the handful of examples above, there are a hundreds of cases where we had no data to back anything up. The range of data points was pitiful and it wasn't often used

The viewing tool is really, really important!

Data collection without viewing it is meaningless. As shown above, we often need to drill down and cross-reference filters to extract conclusions.

The original plan was to use the existing UI provided by kuserfeedback, which did not scale at all and quickly fell over. It was designed for high-fidelity data for a small number of users, not what we had.

In a rush, we pivoted to using Grafana because there was already a setup hosted.

It worked—ish, but it’s not designed for this, especially combined with our data structure, which was a manual NoSQL in normal SQL. Every graph needed to be written by hand, and it felt very much like fighting the system rather than working with it. Combined with the limited access permissions granted, it wasn't used by many people.

It being used is the number one indicator of its usefulness!

We need to find a tool specifically designed for visualization and querying datasets (maybe Apache Superset?).

Time-based data just makes noise

Our system sent updates every N days with basically the same data every time. This made writing queries way messier than it should have been. It never added any value; I would always be interested in what the current stats are. As described in the Wayland usage graphs above, if I'm making a Wayland decision, it doesn't matter what most people are using; it matters what people on the latest release are using. We always ended up having to add filters to focus on just the latest version.

The upgrade story needs planning in advance

The amount of data we collected was tiny—some GPU information, screen information, language, and a few other fragments. The plan was to slowly add more and more stats over time, but we hit a wall. Our UX involved the user selecting to enable metrics and it being a fire-and-forget operation.

What do we do when we want to add more data? For example, whether you use an analog or digital clock. We would need to prompt the user and reset their settings in the meantime, which is at odds with it being a setting. The whole thing became such an ordeal that made it not worthwhile.

Wrap up

The project didn't fail, when we had data and it was used it worked, but overall our implementation falls short. I would like to open a discussion at Akademy on how we move forward with our current system potentially starting from scratch treating it more like a survey that we prompt to auto populate and submit each year.

Trusting content on the KDE Store

Recent events

A global theme on the kde third party store had an issue where it executed a script that removed user's data. It wasn't intended as malicious, but a mistake in some shell parsing. It was promptly identified and removed, but not before doing some damage to that user.

This has started a lot of discourse around the concept of the store, secuirty and upstream KDE. With the main question how can a theme have access to do this?

To developers it's not a surprise that third party plugins can do this sort of thing. It's as intended. A global theme can ship custom lockscreens, custom applets, custom settings and all of these can run arbitrary bundled code. You can't constrain this without limiting functionality.

To that end there's an explicit warning when downloading plugins.


Our primary issue boils down to expectation management and communication.

There are plenty of other ways where users can download and run any other unfettered code from the internet; the Arch user repository (AUR), adding ubuntu PPAs and alike. This isn't a bad thing - it's useful and people do amazing things with this to benefit users.

Nothing on the KDE store happens without explicit user interaction either.

A problem is there's an expectation that because it's programs that it's inherently unsafe and a user needs to trust the source. Our issue is phrases like "global themes" or "Plasma applets" don't always carry this message.

The tech world has changed a lot over the past decade and whilst our code hasn't changed, users expectations have. More and more places provide well kept walled gardens where most actions accessible via the UI are safe-by-default - or at least claim to be!

I've also seen confusion that because a lot of our UI is written in a higher-level language (QML) that's enriched with javascript all browser sandboxing automatically applies. Even though that's not what we claim.

But ultimately if there is a gap in expectations, that's on us to fix.

What can we do better?

In the short term we need to communicate clearly what security expectations Plasma users should have for extensions they download into their desktops. Applets, scripts and services, being programs, are easily recognised as potential risks. It's harder to recognise that Plasma themes, wallpaper plugins and kwin scripts are not just passive artwork and data, but may potentially also include scripts that can have unintended or malicious consequences.

We need to improve the balance of accessing third party content that allows creators to share and have users to get this content easily, with enough speed-bumps and checks that everyone knows what risks are involved.

(UI from Flathub for potentially unsafe content)

Longer term we need to progress on two avenues. We need to make sure we separate the "safe" content, where it is just metadata and content, from the "unsafe" content with scriptable content.

Then we can look at providing curation and auditing as part of the store process in combination with slowly improving sandbox support.

Do I need to do anything as a user?

If you install content from the store, I would advise checking it locally or looking for reviews from trusted sources.

If you're a sys-admin you might want to consider adding the following to block users installing addons with the following kiosk snippet.


[KDE Action Restrictions][$i]

Plasma 6.0 Alpha – What this means

What the Alpha means

The alpha release primarily focuses on preparing our software for a future release. It involves handling unreleased dependencies, version numbers, co-installation conflicts, and all the relevant bookkeeping work.

This release has been somewhat manic, with issues surfacing up to the last minute. However, that's precisely what this early release is for: resolving these issues now and gathering feedback on packaging to ensure a smoother transition to the beta phase.

Feature Freezes

The complete feature freeze for Plasma is scheduled for the day of the first beta, which is on November 29th. After that, bug fixing will be the sole focus for a period of three months leading up to the final release.

A soft freeze is set for the week before, on the 22nd, to accommodate any significant changes and ensure a seamless beta release.
This is mostly a case of doing a final round of landing straggling merge requests rather than developers starting anything new.

Should I run it?

Plasma 6 is in a pretty good state; I've been using it as a daily driver without issues for months

The alpha release does have known issues, some already fixed, but unreleased with the pending Qt 6.6.1, some our side fixed since alpha tagging, and some we need to follow up, particularly in the more esoteric areas of Plasma.
If you're the sort of user that wants to help out Plasma and are of a skill level where you're happy to log into another desktop session if things are temporarily down.

I would recommend as a user finding a distribution that covers 'git master' builds rather than any snapshot as it can provide a more dynamic list . A list can be found at

Pre-upgrade steps

Please take a backup of ~/.config/plasma* before upgrading. Just in case you need to file bug reports about config migration from 5.

Can I get involved?

Absolutely! It's an exciting time for Plasma and KDE in general. There are numerous tasks you can dive into. Check out our onboarding wiki here:

QtWayland 6.6 Brings Robustness Through Compositor Handoffs

Every release has a killer feature. Qt 6.6 features the opposite - staying alive. This blog post describes work to make Qt clients more robust and seemlessly migrate between compositors, providing resistance against compositor crashes and more.


Right now if you restart pulseaudio your sound might cut out, restart NetworkManager and you lose your wifi, restart an X11 window manager and your decorations disappear.

But within a second it's all back to normal exactly where you left off with everything recovering fine.

This isn't true for display servers. If X11 restarts you're back at the login prompt. All drafts lost, games unsaved, work wasted.


For X11 this was unfixable; clients relied on memory stored by the Xserver, they made synchronous calls that were expected to return values, and multiple clients talked to multple clients.

This was a real problem in my early days of Linux, X11 would lock up frequently enough that most distributions had a shortcut key to restart the server and send you back to the login prompt.

It's less of an issue now as X11 has been in a lengthy period of feature freeze.


Wayland makes it possible to fix all this. Memory allocations are client side, all operations are async, all protocols are designed that the compositor always has complete control.

Yet the current user-facing state is considerably worse:

  • Compositors and displays servers are now the same process, doubling the space for errors

  • Compositors are typically extensible with 3rd party plugins and scripts

  • The wayland security model means the compositor absorbs even more functions from global shortcuts to screencasting and input-method handling

  • The wayland ecosystem is not in a period of feature freeze with wayland protocols constantly evolving to cover missing features and new ideas.

    Even if there was a perfect compositor:

  • 40% of kwin's crash bug reports are either upstream or downstream causes

  • The current compositor developer experience is limited with developers having to relogin and restart their apps and development setup just to test their latest changes.


The solution for this? Instead of exiting when the compositor closes, simply...don't!

If we could connect to a new compositor we just need to send the right amount of information to bring it in sync and notify the application code of any changes to bring this in sync.

For Qt applications all this information is handled in the backend, in the Wayland Qt Platform Abstraction (QPA).

Qt already has to handle screens and input devices being removed, clipboards being revoked and drag and drops cancelled. Supporting a whole reset isn't introducing any new work, we just have to trigger all of these actions at once, then reconnect to the newly restored compositor and restore our contents.

Applications already have to support all of these events too as well as handle callbacks to redraw buffers. There's no changes needed at an application code level, it's all done as transparently as possible.

Handling OpenGL is a challenge, right now we don't have a way to keep that alive. Fortunately we put in lots of effort previously in supporting GPU resets throughout the Qt stack. The QtWayland backend fakes to the applications that a GPU reset has occured through the Qt abstractions.

For the majority of applications including all QtQuick users this happens automatically and flawlessly, building on the work that we put in previously.

Whilst the overall concepts might sound invasive, the final merge-request to support all of this for all Qt applications was fewer lines than supporting middle-click paste.

Almost no work needs doing on the compositor side. For a compositor there's no difference between a new client, and a client that was running previously reconnecting. The only big change we made within Kwin is having a helper process so the whole process can be seemless and race-free.


Path Forward

This post is about Qt, but the world is bigger than that. Not only does this technique work here, but we have pending patches for GTK, SDL and even XWayland, with key parts of SDL merged but disabled already.

The challenge for the other toolkits is we can't use the same OpenGL trick as Qt. They either lack GPU reset handling either at a toolkit level or within the applications.

Supporting OpenGL requires new infrastructure. We've tried from the start to get some infrastructure in place to allow this.It was clear that proposing library changes for client reconnection support was an uphill battle whilst being unproven in the wild.

After Qt6 is rolled out to a wider audience and shown to work reliably, we'll refocus efforts on pushing upstream changes to the other platforms.

Potential Perks

This isn't just about crashes. If support becomes mainstream there will be additional opportunities:

  • We can easily upgrade to new features without having to log out and back. This is one of the reasons why kwin development is happening at such a rapid pace in recent months. We're not having to test in fake nested sessions or waste time logging in and setting up between changes.

  • We can support multihead, running different compositors per group of outputs and move seemlessly between them.

  • It's feasible to switch between compositors at runtime. With the application handling the reconnect logic, they can easily handle the case where compositor feature sets vary.

  • Checkpoint restore in userspace, being able to suspend your application to disk and then pick up where you left off like nothing happened. It could never work for X applications, but with wayland reconnect support we can make it work.


More information about the long term goal this can be found at the kwin wiki, or each out to me directly if you want to add support.

Discuss this at

New ideas using Wayland Input Methods


What are Input Methods?

Input Methods are a way of allowing third parties programs to manipulate text in text input boxes in applications.

The two traditional uses of this are on-screen keyboards like one has on a mobile phone, and Chinese, Japanese and Korean (CJK) input where a keyboard doesn't map directly to the text we want to see on screen.

It's a lot more than merely injecting keys; the input method needs to have an awareness of the text cursor and the ability to manipulate whole words and sentences at a time. This is extremely important for the CJK way of typing where multiple keyboard keys are used to compose a single character. It's also important for virtual keyboards that have advanced features like auto-completion and spell-checking words.

X vs Wayland

On X11, the standard protocol (XIM) is hardly used, we ended up with every input method creating a plugin for every toolkit. This sufficed, but was not very scalable, doesn't have the best desktop interaction, and is messy to deploy.

The story with wayland is also far from perfect. With the compositor acting as a broker, we have a protocol from the plugins themselves (InputMethod) and protocols to clients (TextInput). Unfortunately there are at least 6 active versions of these protocols, which needs some work.

A recent meeting with other wayland devs has hopefully helped agree on a path forward for the TextInput side, with me taking on a lot of active tasks moving this forward. But we still need to sort out the InputMethod side.

I used Akademy to speak to people using CJK input and got very valuable feedback about the Korean language and some changes needed to make FICTX work properly there.

If you have experience with Chinese or Japanese input on wayland, please do reach out.

A Playground of Input Method Ideas

I don't use CJK keyboard entry nor a virtual keyboard on a daily basis, but there are things I do use that could benefit from the InputMethod tech. Now we have a standard we can look at using this stack for more creative ideas. Doing this now can help work out what the requirements are for the protocols as we stretch it in new directions.

This post describes some ideas of how else we can use Input Methods to improve the Linux desktop experience.

Convenient Clipboard Connections

With a shortcut we can enter clipboard entries, previewing in place. We're able to use the preedit text to display metadata on available entries which won't get committed to provide a streamlined interface, or we could bring up a menu, or both.

Compared to the existing klipper integration we can open at the current carret position, and provide something a bit more streamlined. The preview also helps solve the frustrating problem of pasting only to find you've now got too much or too little whitespace where you hit paste.

Easy Emoji Entry

My attempt at understanding young people. Typing ':' and then a string launches an inbuilt emoji browser based on the typed string.

These days a lot of clients now have in-built support, including all GTK4 text areas, so it might not be needed. Maybe the ship for this has sailed, or there could be still value in centralising it and having a common pattern.

Direct Diacritic Display

Building on an existing merge-request by Janet Blackquill, pressing and holding a key will bring up a prompt with relevant characters based on the held key.

The original version merge request injected itself into the application repurposing a hook meant for themeing, this broke too many clients to be released as part of Plasma and it was unfortunately reverted.

Taking that idea but using input methods should avoid those problems, whilst also solving the issue of key-repeats being sometimes needed.

Timely Translation Tasks

This was solved by having a second text field open when activated where the user can type their native text, so the translations can be shown in the main text area. The current code utilises the command line tool "trans" which in turn makes web requests to proprietory web services, but we could look at other options if we turned this into a product.

Simply Speak

The one I'm most excited about. Working local dictation software that can integrate into every textfield out of the box.

I got best results using whisper-fast with a voice-activity filter on top. This was wrapped into a daemon with a DBus interface we can then use to start and stop on demand. It needs some work to be a shippable product.

Current State

All of the above are fully working examples, but everything was pieced together in a few evenings at Akademy and some time at the airport.

It's not something I would ship to users; the point right now is to be a playground, uncover issues throughout the stack, and try a few different things. That's why we use different techniques for bringing up the input methods and prompts within it rather than trying to be coherent.

That said, I have made an effort to separate the high level application code from the wayland boiler plate so we can quickly iterate to InputMethodV3 to see what's needed, and turn this into a product as we start to come up with a long term direction.

Running it for yourself

The repo exists at the readme has instructions on how to get set up.

What does it work with?

A form of TextInput is supported in almost all toolkits from Electron, GTK, Qt, SDL and more. This means it's fairly universal across wayland clients.

On the compositor level, InputMethodV1, the only specification in upstream protocols, is supported by only Kwin and Weston, but as noted in the intro this is subject to change in the future.


The playground has exposed several pre-existing deficiencies, especially regarding the placeholder text styling, input panel positioning, key repeats. We can take those forward into fixes that might affect the more important CJK input methods.

As well as being a playground I think there are some ideas worth exploring further, to find a path into the desktop and is yet another reason to be excited about the path to Wayland,

Have more ideas? Let us know in the discussion at

Fixing Wayland: Xwayland screen casting

This blog introduces a new tool to make it easy to stream wayland windows and screens to existing applications running under Xwayland that don't have native pipewire support in an easy-to-use manner than retains full user control throughout.


On my Plasma wayland session right now if I use the screen share function in Discord, I'm presented with the following.

It doesn't work 🙁

I have no windows listed, even though I clearly have windows open. The full screen shares are blank.
The same will be true in MS Teams, Slack, Zoom as well as any other Xwayland apps that involve screencasts.

Linux enthusiasts - and by reading developer blogs you're definitely in this camp - will understand why this is and probably know some technique to avoid this involving changing my setup or workflow in some way to work round things on a per-app basis.

For our wider userbase this isn't enough. Wayland is a technical detail and we want any switch has to be as transparent as possible for as many apps as possible for all cases - including cases we haven't thought of.

Introducing XwaylandVideoBridge

With our new tool, written by Aleix Pol and myself, running the workflow is as follows: I click on the share button. Immediately I'm presented with an option to choose what windows or screens I wish to make available to X.

This is now selectable in my existing application. The stream continues until I stop sharing within the application.

Left: a prompt to choose windows to stream.
Right: How it appears after selection


The bridge works via the same mechanisms as any "native wayland" video streaming tool would work, through the XDG Desktop Portals. Getting data through PipeWire as requested it through the portal with explicit user consent.
Whilst the bridge does mean that any X application could eavesdrop the shared window the user still remains completely at the helm of which windows are shared to X applications and most importantly when.

We could go the route of trying to be completely seamless to the X client with N fake windows all forwarding content on demand, but I like the demonstration that it's possible to not break existing user applications without having to compromise on our lofty wayland goals.


Technically there's an overhead, pragmatically it uses no CPU and any latency is negligible compared to the cost of streaming.


Grab a flatpak from: Our gitlab builder or from source.

Note it requires a non-released libkpipewire, something the flatpak resolves.

Whilst only tested on a Plasma wayland session, this should be usable by any Wayland desktop with a working xdg-desktop-portal, screencasting and standard system tray.
(Edit March 24th: User testing has shown some mixed results on Gnome with colours, and completely not working at all Sway)


Ensure our proxy is running in the background flatpak run org.kde.xwaylandvideobridge optionally setting it to autostart. After that everything should kick in automatically the next time an Xwayland application starts streaming.

How it works under the hood

The inspiration for this came from the debug tool to show pipewire streams in a window whilst we were working on Plasma remote desktop support. If we force that debug tool to run as an Xwayland client, it becomes visible to other Xwayland chat / streaming programs. We had 90% of the code already.

The only remaining step was some sneaky tricks to hide this X11 window from the user's view making it unfocussable, invisible and out of view. We then added detection for when we're being streamed by using the XRecord extension to monitor all clients redirecting the window we own.

It's an excellent example of X11 allowing you to do really, really stupid things, for novel and creative puposes.

Future Plans

This is only an initial Alpha release. How we take it in the future is not completely decided; it might remain a standalone tool moving to flathub or distros, we might proposed it into Plasma 6 by default. There's a possibility the Linux desktop might be at a point where this is redundant.

There's definitely some minor tweaks still to do on the exact workflow.

Please do give feedback and let us know! thread

Plasma 5.22 Beta testing day

Plasma 5.22 is now in beta. This gives us, KDE developers, one month of intense testing, bugfixing and polishing. During this time we need as many hands on deck to help find regressions, triage incoming reports and generally be on top of things as much as possible.

With that in mind, you are officially invited to our "Beta Review Day". Join us online and do QA with us together as a group.


Any Plasma user able to install the latest beta or run a live ISO with our beta on it and who wants to help.


Saturday 22nd May. A full timetable with areas of focus is available on the wiki:


Join us over videoconferencing at There will be plenty of room available, and you can join with a camera and a microphone or just use the classic text chat.

What will we do?

• Introduce you to Bugzilla so you can support us filing or triaging bugs
• Assign short lists to experienced participants so you can validate and de-duplicate bugs
• Go through a defined list of all the new areas of Plasma to check for regressions
• Devs will be online so you can give us debug info for issues you have, and identify and fix things in real time

What should I prepare?

Set up a machine, real or virtual, with the latest Plasma beta desktop. Go here: and download choose and install a distro that ships either the master or Plasma 5.21.90.

See you all soon!

Plasma and the systemd startup


Landing in master, plasma has an optional new startup method to launch and manage all our KDE/Plasma services via a systemd user instance rather than the current boot scripts. This will be available in Plasma 5.21.

It is currently opt-in, off by default. I hope to make it the default where available after more testing and feedback, but it is important to stress that the current boot-up method will exist and be supported into the future. A lot of work was put into splitting and tidying so the actual amount of duplication in the end result is quite small and managable.

Our logos are weirldy similar...conspiracy?


Overlapping requirements

We have to start a lot of things in a given order. Systemd naturally is designed for handling doing this.

Whilst we already have a somewhat working system, it has issues. One classic problem is services that talk to other services needing to be both spawned but also fully initialised before the other can send a message. DBus activation solves a lot; but not quite enough.

For example, we have the real world case of scripts run long before plasmashell trying to send notifications; we want DBus daemon to know our notification server it's activatable so that it will pause the dispatch of the message, but making it DBus activatable can't guarantee the dependencies are run in the correct order. This is currently solved with a genius horrific hack.

But starting things up is only half the battle. We currently have a big issue with shutting things down. Whose responsibility is it to stop running services? A lot of things only exit because their wayland connection is swept away. When dealing with services that potentially restart during the session lifespan, this solution is far from trivial and the current situation is fundamentally broken.

Customisation / Sysadmin Familiarity

Most users and especially sysadmins already have to learn how to use their init system. Whether it's simply enabling a service on boot, or something much more complex users are exposed to it already. If not, there is good existing documentation and countless Stackoverflow posts to answer any question.

We had a meeting akademy 2 years ago about use of systemd and it was the sysadmins from Limux who clearly knew far more than any programmer as to how it should all work. There is a lot more merit in using existing things than just sharing code.

Another big motivating factor was the ability for customisation. The root of Plasma's startup is very hardcoded. What if you want to run krunner with a different environment variable set? or have a script run every time plasmashell restarts, or show a UI after kwin is loaded but before plasma shell to perform some user setup? You can edit the code, but that's not easy and you're very much on your own.

Systemd provides that level of customisation; both at a distro or a user level out of the box. From our POV for free.

CGroups and resource limits

I've talked about use of cgroups for applications for better control of resources. Especially as more things become multi-process.

CGroups and slices provide several benefits over what we can do currently. Because resources are always relative to within the parent slice, we are able to boost resources as well as limit things. This will allow us to bump kwin and such ever so slightly without needing elevated cap privileges.

This also works the other way; cgroups have some extra scheduler features not otherwise available. We can not just set weigh to a process, but also absolute limits. This could be useful for file indexers and alike to minimise battery drainage or capture runaway processes. CGroups are where all the new kernel features are.

Memory management is another factor, when we run out the kernel comes in and kills some processes.
We can tag some services as being safer to OOM kill than others with a lot more granularity than a single oomscore adjustment. We can provide expected memory usages for a service, we can put defaults levels on entire slices at once, and it's all easily customisable by the user if their opinions don't match our upstream defaults.


The current state of logging is a mess. One of two things happen:
Either stderr from a service is lost, or logs go into one giant "xsession-errors" file. This file exists on a real file system slowly expanding and expanding. It doesn't rotate, if it gets too big your home folder becomes full and things explode. Each time you log in, we override that log, so we lose any history.

The alternative is that logs are simply lost.

Systemd provides queryable logging with each unit, and each invocation of each unit being separate. It's already making my life a lot easier for the last bugs I've been working on. When people on bugzilla have this too, it'll make everything easier.

The road to get here

Previous implementations

A plasma systemd boot has been tried before by Elias Probst. It worked well as a demo, and was used as inspiration for some parts. The key difference now is instead of trying to design around plasma, we're changing plasma to fit what we need and really put the focus on every last detail.

Refactor, Split, Refactor, Split, ...

Unintuitively the first start of a port to systemd was a complete rewrite of the legacy path.

Plasma used to be managed by a tree of processes that would spawn, set up some environment variables, spawn the next part of the boot and continue running. We eventually get to ksmserver, which was a monolith that did many many things. It started several hardcoded processes like kwin, then all the autostart .desktop files, and then session restore. There were many reasons to break this up that I outlined when I started in 2018.

Since then we've been chopping a tiny part out every release. Each release would split out a tiny part at a time so we could always be on top of any regressions that happened.

Once we'd refactored and rewrote some parts we could have a very clear and readable understanding of what actually happens in a plasma boot and what is really dependent on what.

The biggest problem that we have is many things rely on environment variables or even xrdb databases to be correct at the time of launching; several early parts of the boot (kcminit, kded phase0) will adjust these and the next parts may rely on these for correct theming.

Another massive rewrite that landed (by Kai Uwe Broulik) was the detaching of kwin from ksmserver. kwin needs to know which session we're restoring so that restored windows can be placed at the right place; this previously came from an environment variable that means we needed ksmserver up and running to spawn kwin. We rewrote how that all works and gets communicated so the order can be agnostic but still without any features getting lost.

Final patchset

Eventually we got to a point where ksmserver is only dealing with X11 session management. We have another quite tiny binary (plasma_session) that only deals with starting services in a specific order. And everything else is completely separate standalone independent components. This has been released for a while. Even without the systemd boot, everything is in a much much cleaner better off state.

The final patch to use systemd is then really quite boring and small. We just don't call the plasma_session binary, and instead try to start a systemd target;

All our core services ship their own .service files which plasma-workpace requires for a full Plasma session.

This picture shows random circles and lines. I felt it helped break up the wall of text.

Autostart files

One of the key aspects of startup is handling autostart .desktop files in /etc/xdg/autostart or ~/.config/autostart. We need this to work as before.

Benjamin Berg (of Red Hat and Gnome) came up with a very elegant solution using a systemd generator. It goes through all the .desktop files parsing them and generates an appropriate systemd service automagically.

For application developers everything keeps working the same, but to an end user we can interact with them like native services. We get the best of both worlds.

Despite being a shared implementation even KDE-specific things like X-KDE-AutostartCondition just work. Implementation wise the generator converts this into an ExecCondition= line which then calls into a plasma-shipped binary to check if it's allowed.

Current state

Is it faster?

A lot of the prep work over the past few years to get to this state has made absolutely massive differences. The splitting found bugs dead code and potential optimisations that add up to magnitudes of difference.

As for switching over to the systemd itself, it should be roughly the same. Ultimately we're triggering the exact same set of things in the exact same order with the exact same blocks if we've done our job properly. Sorry to disappoint!

Is it finished?

The fundamentals are definitely at a point that I think are stable and working; but we haven't enabled all of the potential extra features we have available. I would welcome people who are experiences to give feedback and help out.


You must have latest master of Plasma, it is not in the 5.20 beta.

Enable with:

kwriteconfig5 --file startkderc --group General --key systemdBoot true

As mentioned above there are checks that you have the systemd 246 or newer for the generator of existing autostart services to work.

To confirm the boot worked correctly you can run

systemctl --user status plasma-plasmashell.service

It should show as active.

This safety check of 246 can be skipped. You will lose auto-activation of apps using the classic .desktop file approach, but everything else still works. I won't mention how publicly to avoid false bug reports, but as a dev you can probably find out.

Dev setups - a caveat

If you build your own KDE and install into a non standard prefix, instead of getting Plasma from your distribution, there is one new hurdle. Systemd user sessions starts earlier than most people set their custom prefixes so naturally it can't find things in your new paths.

There are multiple solutions, simplest is to re-run ./install-sessions script in plasma-workspace which contains a workaround for systemd to find services.

Wrap Up

A lot of the work done to get to this stage has been extremely beneficial to all users regardless of whether they end up actually using this. We fixed and cleaned so much along the way.

I strongly believe the benefits it offers are very real, and look forward to hearing feedback from users using it.
If you do have any issues please do reach out to me in the usual channels.

Plasma Beta Review Day

Plasma 5.20 is now in beta, which gives us one month of intense testing, bugfixing and polishing.

During this time we need as many hands on deck as possible to help with finding regressions, triaging incoming reports and generally being on top of as much as possible.

In order to make this process more accessible, more systematic and hopefully more fun we are going to run an official "Plasma Beta Review Day"


Any user of plasma able to install the latest beta or run a live ISO with our beta on it who want to help.


Thursday the 24th September; midday to midnight CEST, with people welcome to turn up and drop out whenever.


Join us in the webconferencing channel: The webserver we used for Akademy. There will be a room available.
You can join with a camera and a microphone or just in the classic text chat.

What will this consistent of?

  • Introductions to bugzilla for people who want support filing or triaging their first bugs
  • Being assigned short buglists to validate, de-duplicate, for those more experienced
  • Going through a defined list of all the new areas of Plasma to check for regressions
  • Devs being online so we can get debug info for issues you have so we can identify and fix things in real time

What should I prepare?

Ideally get yourself set up with a beta of the latest Plasma. Follow the links for: for an image running either master or Plasma 5.19.90

I hope to see you all soon!